Wellman Wilson Consulting

Three Reasons Businesses Hire Wellman Wilson Consulting

Have you ever thought about shooting us an email or giving us a call, but you are not quite sure what you need help with? Perhaps you are an entrepreneur or small business owner and you have a website (yay!), but haven’t the faintest idea how to set up a Facebook page for your business (or perhaps you accidentally created it as a Group), or maybe you have a page, but it hasn’t been updated since you created it… two years ago.  Then there are those other social networks you know you should have an account with, but don’t know which ones are the best to reach your target market. And let’s not forget about your blog… and a newsletter! 

Businesses, like yours, hire Wellman Wilson Consulting because of our ability to break down social media and e-marketing into manageable pieces and teach you the tools and methods you need to make them work for you. Here’s how we do it:

1) Teaching businesses how to use social media

We don’t just teach people how to use Facebook ads or promote your business on Twitter, we teach you the value social media has in making connections with your clients, online and in person. Our Simple Start programs walk businesses through learning how to connect, promote, endorse, engage, and interact with customers. We teach you how having a conversation with a perfect stranger online can result in sales for your business.

We have had clients come to us afraid of social media, but by the end of the Simple Start program they not only have multiple social media accounts set up, but also have a solid plan in place to keep their social media current and relevant.

These same clients go on to expand their digital marketing to include newsletters and within weeks they have learned all the tools they need to start, create and send regular newsletters to their audience.

2) Creating a plan and making sure businesses stick to it

Every business needs a social media plan and we make sure it meets your business’ objectives. We take a look at who your audience is, where you can reach them, what your key messages are, what your goals are, and how we can make social media work to reach your audience and your goals.

We then take this strategy one step further with our Accountability Program. We have helped numerous clients stay accountable by helping them develop an action plan, keep track of their monthly activity, examine their content, and talking to them on the phone every month for a full year to review how things are working for them (and making sure they are doing what they say they are going to do).

3) One-on-one feedback, guidance and support

Our coaching programs are all about accountability, encouragement and feedback on your social media and e-marketing efforts. We help train clients, implement strategies and develop content. We also customize our coaching programs to fit our clients’ needs – because we know that not every business has the same problems.

Clients come to Wellman Wilson Consulting because they know they are not just getting a regurgitated written social media strategy. They are offered a personalized social media and e-marketing plan that not only includes a strategy, but the training they need to implement the strategy, the accountability support needed to make sure their plan stays on track, and the option to outsource content creation and graphics to us.

So, if you are not sure what you need from us, but know you need help with social media, we have given you three reasons why businesses just like yours took the next step and contacted us. They didn’t regret it and neither will you, so email or call us today!

We look forward to hearing from you.

A special #SMDayOttawa offer - Online Coaching

Happy Social Media Day!

We’d like to invite everyone who is participating today - whether you’re attending, following along or just hearing about it right now - to join us for our brand new online coaching program. It’s a beta release and we’re offering it at a reduced rate! Use the code smdayottawa and get $10 off the $99 beta price for three months of coaching!

Be a part of our brand new coaching group online at a fantastic introductory price -  increase your comfort level using the tools that can help you effectively promote and grow your business! Sign up for three months and receive:

  • Support through a members only Facebook group to ask questions and learn from others.
  • Once a month - One hour group conference call.
  • Weekly tips and suggestions for moving your social presence forward.
  • Monthly emails with suggested readings, exercises and assignments.
  • Encouragement and accountability.
  • A library of tools and resources.
  • Exclusive access to new products first and at a discounted rate.

The first group starts July 1st - Register here today!

Social Capital Conference - the place to be July 21st

Social media is about online presence but it’s also about so much more.  It’s about building community, and creating relationships.

Karen and I believe in the ability to create real world connections from social media.  When the discussion in our home town of Ottawa led to frequent discussions of a local conference that would bring the social media community together to learn from each other I/we went with it.  The result: Social Capital.

Social Capital will be held on Saturday, July 21 at Algonquin College in Ottawa, Canada.

Social Capital Conference

Five reasons to attend Social Capital:

1) You want to meet and grow your relationship with others who also love social media;

2) You want to learn from those who live social media, be it for work, their business, or for fun;

3) You will have the opportunity to engage and ask questions of the people who are doing some of the things you hope to start doing;

4) You will leave Social Capital with tangible to dos that will help you move your social media endeavours forward;

5) You will get to socialize and hang out with an awesome group of people, including Karen and I :)

We really believe you’d get a lot out of attending this event so we’ve decide to add a bonus to signing up! Karen and I are launching a beta program this July. It is an online coaching group and the beta program runs for 3 months.  The beta of this program costs $99.  

If you sign up for Social Capital and let us know (by email at info@wellmanwilson.com), that you heard about it here you will:

A) be entered into a draw for a free spot into the program, and

B) automatically gain eligibility for the BETA program at our invite-only subscriber rate!

We hope to see you at Social Capital on July 21. Karen and I will be speaking about social media strategy at the conference and you can find the rest of the agenda here!

Announcing Wellman Wilson Consulting!

We're thrilled to announce a merger of Lara Wellman Consulting and The Media Mesh.

Karen and Lara have had the pleasure of working together for over a year and a half on projects like Losing it in Ottawa, the Social Capital Conference and Kids in the Capital.  Our love of social media and helping people understand how to use it strategically for business brought us to the next logical step - Wellman Wilson Consulting!

We look forward to sharing a lot of great social media content and working with fabulous clients who want to learn more about what social media can do for them.