I have a big digital camera but it’s not convenient to bring with me everywhere I go. For a while I considered carrying around a small point and shoot for the unexpected fun moments but having an iPhone in my pocket meant I essentially did have that. Sweet!
In the world of social media, the fun comes from sharing. I have hundreds of photos on my phone. Sometimes I chose to email them to services that could automatically put them on twitter for me, but most of the time I didn’t.
Enter Instagram.
It is a fun and easy to use iPhone app (unfortunately only iPhone at the moment with no plans to launch android or blackberry options any time soon) that:
- takes photos
- allows you to apply fun filters to them
- with a simple click share to twitter, facebook or flickr
- have a friends feed right within the application
Instagram Filters
What instagram has done is offer 16 filters you can apply to your photos. They can take a photo that might not have been that interesting and make it a lot more fun.
You can also zoom in and crop your photo. Original photo of Quinn at the cottage
Zoom in and crop
Then play with the filters!
You can hook your account up to your Facebook, Twitter and and Flickr and have them automatically update to those sites (you select where each individual photo is sent, it isn’t automatic). You can also choose to make your photos private and just keep them for yourself - they don’t have to have a social media component.
You can also follow friends right on Instagram and like and comment on friend’s photos right there.
And there’s a news feed
It’s a really fun app and I now take all of my photos with my phone using it. If you use it too - look for me and add me, I’m glidinglara.
Happy snapping!