Season Three, Episode 15: Building Your Authority with Deepshikha Sairam

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I talk a lot about visibility and the impact it can have for your business, but most business owners are still afraid to post stuff online. With that in mind, I’ve invited Deepshika Sairam who is an Organic Lead Generation Expert and Business Mentor to the Biz Podcast today. She helps coaches and consultants become unfuckwithable as they scale their businesses with joy and ease.

So, let’s talk about generating leads in your business, which become sales, which means money in your business, which needs to be the priority in your business, right?

Deepshika describes it as a beautiful circle that starts with visibility. Once you've started garnering visibility, which can be in terms of creating content, going live on your pages, posting Instagram stories, getting featured in different places, this all leads to authority and authority is claiming your niche and claiming your expert status in your industry.

External & Internal Authority

There are two types of authority. One is an external authority and the other is an internal authority. 

External authority is not just visibility, it's a few things that you do over and above visibility. So, visibility can be that you create content and have your content calendar and you put it out there. Establishing authority is not sounding like someone else in your field but to build your own voice that sets you apart. It’s about talking about things in the way that only YOU can talk about them. It’s also about building your own stage. Creating your authority. You can do that by building your own community, building your own platform.

Deepshika shares with us a story of how her friend built her own stage. She started a summit when summits were not that popular. She persevered and built her authority so that not only does she run her own summit (which is not on the topic of running a summit, by the way, it's like on a completely different topic) but people come to her not just her for her craft, but also for learning how to create their own summits. So, she's built her stage. What happens when you build your own stage is that you're actually lifting yourself from the middle of the pack and putting yourself right up in the front. “You become the Beyonce of your industry! Be the superstar!”

Build your internal authority

Most people are nervous to claim expert status. They are scared and self-doubt gets in the way. That’s where the internal authority comes into play. It is very important that you build up your internal authority tool. If you don’t, the external authority will not shine through and you’re probably going to self-sabotage at some point or another. So, how do you build your internal authority?

First things first, ask yourself what is holding you back? Is it that you feel you are not good enough?

Deepshika and I have worked with so many women and all of us, at some point in time or the other have felt that ‘not good enough’ feeling. Not a nice feeling, right? The key to squashing that feeling is getting to the core of that emotion, that feeling. Ask yourself a couple of questions. First, what is it that you are feeling and emotion that you are going through that is holding you back?

If you’ve answered, “I’m not enough,” “I’m not worthy,” “People will judge me...” there are some ways to banish those limiting beliefs. It will require time, effort and repetition but it’s attainable.

Recently, I was reading a book about the origin of the word conditioning. Pavlov’s Dogs, I’m sure you are all familiar with the story. If not, it’s about a man who had a dog and conditioned it by ringing a bell. Every time he fed the dog he would ring the bell, and the dog would start salivating and the food would be produced. After doing that so many times the dog became conditioned and would start salivating at the sound of the bell. 

So my question for you is, what is that bell for you? What is that bell that makes you behave in that way or makes you think in a way that you are not worthy? That you are not good enough? That's the core of it.

Think about it like you are your own friend. If we were talking about our friends we would shout their praises from the rooftops, we would build them up and support the hell out of them, right? What if we started acting like our own best friends and started shouting our OWN praises from the rooftops and telling ourselves we are badass experts in our field? The biggest mindset hurdle here is recognizing that we are sabotaging ourselves and holding ourselves back by not claiming our expert status.

Start saying I’M AN EXPERT. This is MY stage. This is what I’M doing. Claim it and the leads, sales, and money will follow!

These things take time

Remember these things don't happen overnight. So, even if you don't see results, keep going. If you’re thinking, “I've been posting on Instagram for three months or six months and nothing is happening.” Keep going, keep going, keep going!

We live in a culture of immediate result, you click a mouse and download something instantly or you press a button and a beverage appears instantly, but those are not long term results in business.

My first podcast interview, I’ll admit it, I sucked at it, but I didn’t let that stop me. I kept going and got better and better. The key is doing it again and again. And when you do it again and again, that builds authority.

Deepshika has some resources and ways people can find out more about what she does and see all the good things she’s doing. Check out her Facebook Group called The Badass Lead Gen Club. That's where she hangs out. She’s also on Instagram @deepshikhasairam.

She also has a free gift for all of you: Five Steps To High Quality Organic Leads.  It's her five-step method that she uses for herself and her clients I use for my clients!

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Podcast editing by Eric Wellman