Season Three, Episode 7: Working Through a Pandemic with Lara Wellman

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The last time I recorded a podcast I was in Greece at the beginning of March, but since then the world has completely changed. The world has since shut down. I took a bit of a break from my podcast as I tried to figure out what was what with me and what was what with my clients, and also because there was so much content coming out. 

But now I am back and I want to talk about how we’re feeling and where to go from here.

Working Through a Pandemic

We’re in the middle of a pandemic and most of us are in quarantine. I want to acknowledge that this sucks. So many business owners are losing money, closing their businesses, are terrified about what this means for their businesses or how they’re going to pay rent, and are wondering if they are going to have to lay off staff. This is all truths for many business owners.

There are days when you won’t feel like you can do anything. There are days when we will feel sad or are frustrated because things are not going the way we wanted them to. There is a lot happening, but we need to focus on what is working.

I have talked to many business owners, checking in and supporting them where I can. People are getting stuck in their fear that everything is falling part, which is why I want to share some of the tips I am sharing with my clients to help them right now.

Yes, it is going to take a while to feel like everything is normal again. But how can we build our businesses so that they are stronger? What can we do right now for our businesses or for ourselves?

Find out your options

If you cannot pay for what you owe or pay your bills, look at how you can pause payments, such as your mortgage. Some lenders are letting customers pause, so if paying your bills right now is stressing you out, call your lenders and find out what your options are. Knowledge is power. The more you know what can help you right now, the less stress you will have, which means you can focus on what you do have control over right now.

Find out what opportunities DO exist

Another thing you can do is to think about what opportunities you do have in your business. This is not just about in-person business transactions. Everybody is in this same situation – they cannot come to you anymore than you can go to them. Knowing this, what can you do right now that is better than doing nothing? This is particularly important with those who usually do hands-on work, such as therapists. 

Your goals and results have changed with these new circumstances. So, what is the value you can create knowing no one can meet in person right now? Set yourself up to know what the best is that you can do when no one cannot meet in person. 

The end results that your very best clients get is the best result, but right now, if you can get your clients part of the way, there is still value for you and for them. When you remember that, then you will see the value in your business. This could be teaching other your skills, figuring out how to build online communities, building online courses, etc. Whatever you build now may exist well after this pandemic is over. Build an extra income stream you never had time to build before. This will help your business in the long run. 

Think about what is NOT working

Another opportunity is to look at what is not working. Ask yourself if there is a solution you can come up with for this. This is your opportunity to make your business pandemic proof. Problems, whether they are yours or your clients, can become opportunities. 

Connect with people

Reach out and connect with people. Not for a sales call, but reach out to your people and ask them how they’re doing. Checking in is beneficial for you, for them, as well as for your relationship.

We are all walking through new territory right now. We have never been here before. We are all trying to figure it out. We need to do our best knowing what is our truth and be gentle with ourselves.

Look for what is working, connect with people who can help us, support us and can help us move forward and can continue to create for our businesses and make money when our economy needs us to the most.

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Podcast editing done by Eric Wellman