Season Three, Episode 12: When it feels like there's never enough money with Lara Wellman

This Biz Podcast episode is based on a previous training I did for entrepreneurs who felt like there is never enough money. Why are we always struggling to get comfy with having enough money to get everything we need both professionally and to pay ourselves?

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If you’ve experienced these feelings, you’re not alone. Many business owners feel like there is never enough money. Once you’re clear on why you are feeling this way, it opens up the path to feeling like there IS enough money.

Not having enough is an internal game

When it comes to making money, my guess is, you are not aiming high enough. You’re not believing that what you want to create is as big as what will feel good. You’re holding yourself back, probably because you don’t want to be greedy, you don’t want to jump too far ahead of yourself, you feel you don’t have the time, etc.

If what you’re aiming for isn’t a big dreamy amount then you’re not going to get anywhere close to that. All of us have the potential to make a lot of money. More money than we did in a traditional job, but we need to expand our beliefs and believe that we can get there.

Set big money goals

When it comes to restricting our money goals, there is a mix of inner and outer beliefs going on here. If you’re not going to set yourself goals if you’re not willing to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Your inner stuff is making you think small to keep you safe. We want to expand that.

Have big goals. Have big dreams! What would it mean if you started earning triple what you are currently making?

Be comfortable with the fact that the amount you can make is much larger than you think it will be.

Step into the role of a business owner who does make the amount of money you want to be making, that’s how you start to get there.

What do you sell that can earn you the amount of money you want to be making?

If you’re constantly starting at zero every month and you have to look for new clients or if you are selling something for $40 each and your goal is to make $10,000 a month, then that is a lot of little things you are going to have to sell to reach that amount of money each and every month.

It will feel like you can never get there. You need to think: How can you make the money you want to make? How can your business be scalable? How can you handle the increased workload?

If you will need to work constantly to reach your goal, then it is going to feel terrible. You will quickly burn out.

Break down your business and see how and what you can sell that will add up to what you want to make. The more you have to start over from zero each month, the more discouraging it is going to be.

You may need to reimagine how you run your business and what you sell so that it is not overwhelming to reach your big monthly income goal.

Plan it out

Be clear that if you haven’t figured out these pieces then you need to hire people to help you. You also need to keep in mind expenses for outsourcing, etc. The numbers need to add up to what you need them to be. When you have a clear idea of your bigger dreams, bigger numbers and bigger goals and plan out how you’re going to get there, the process of getting there will be less overwhelming.

Journal what it is you want to create. Write down what you want to make this month and this year. Then double that number. What does that feel like? Then double it again. What does that feel like?

When you get to a place where you can’t imagine being a person who earns that kind of money, ask yourself why not? Where are you getting stuck? Why do you feel like you have to stop at a certain amount of money?

And then when you pick a monthly number of what you want to make, write down what you are currently making and what you are selling to get there. Think about what you would need to sell to get to your monthly goal. Is it create something new or sell more of what you’re currently selling? If it’s to sell more, but the number is super overwhelming then you need to do some work on your business.

Spend time thinking about what your goal income is and how much you need to sell to get to that goal. It will make you uncomfortable, but it will also reveal what is stopping you from making that money and will create the ease you need to do the work to get there.

If you need help to strategize and plan for business growth and to figure out how you can make the money you deserve to be making, let’s chat!

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Podcast editing by Eric Wellman