Season Three, Episode 19: Creating bigger packages that sell for more with Pam Larouche and Elisa Costanza-Reyes

Creating bigger packages that sell for more - Season 3, ep 19.png

Are you selling many small packages instead of larger packages? Are you frustrated because you’re working all the time and not meeting your sales goals?

Holistic Sleep and Parenting Consultants Pam Larouche and Elisa Costanza-Reyes of Restful Parenting join me on the podcast to talk about how you can start creating higher-level packages that ensure your revenue is higher and you are happier.

You CAN make the kind of money that makes you feel good about your business and creates exceptional value for your clients.

The size of the package does matter

When Pam and Elisa first came to me, most of their clients had signed on for small packages. Elisa couldn’t believe how much work they were doing for such a small amount of money.

“Not only did we need to raise our prices but we needed to create different programs as well. It was something that Lara had told us from day one. Our prices needed to go up and we needed to build bigger packages. That was something I was really uncomfortable with. I couldn’t wrap my head around that. We have a hard time getting people in at $300, how are we going to charge $500/$600 or $1000/$2000? Now we've eliminated some of the smaller packages.”

Pam and Elisa felt like their smaller packages were cramming too much info into a very small period of time. It was stressful for them and the families they were working with.

By creating bigger packages it allowed them to spread out the information and offer ongoing support without inundating the parents with information. These longer term, bigger packages allowed them to stay with the families and build on the work that they initially started.

If you don’t create larger packages, you will end up resenting the amount of work you have to put in for a small amount of money. That doesn’t feel good for anybody and your clients aren’t going to get the results they want.  Start eliminating some of the smaller packages and add some bigger packages.

It’s not about just asking for more money. It’s about creating something that people need and want and that will make their lives better.

The “pie in the sky” package

Pam and Elisa noticed they wanted more time with the families as they finished the short programs. So, they listened to that feeling and came up with a way to make it happen by offering bigger VIP packages.

When I asked Pam and Elisa if they thought anyone would buy their big packages they both scoffed at me. I asked them to come up with what they thought it would look like. Map it out. They admitted that the big package they came up with was a “pie in the sky” idea. Nevertheless, they put it out there and wouldn’t you know it, a week later someone bought it! And then another person and another! They haven’t looked back since. Since then they’ve been planning even bigger packages to support their clients and they’ve since made themselves another “pie in the sky” package. The possibilities are endless. 

Having those bigger packages has really allowed them to come into their own with what they offer and what they can do. When they had their smaller packages it was very hard to work in all the things they love to do. Now they can really help their clients with the bigger longer packages by offering more information and more resources in a more reasonable amount of time. This really set their clients up for success. 

Is it more work to sell big packages than to sell smaller ones?

One of the biggest pieces that held Pam and Elisa back is that they equated the long term packages with long term support. Pam had a lot of resistance in the beginning. She now finds that it is so much less work because it doesn't feel rushed and stressful. Elisa admits she was going overboard with the smaller packages because she wanted it to be perfect.

It’s way less work doing longer term packages and it has made a huge difference in how they get their clients now. Their mindset has shifted and the selling has become easier. Clients starting to line up!

The bigger packages have eliminated the hamster wheel of always trying to find the next client. By levelling up their packages they have levelled up their business.

When you are stuck on trying to imagine how people will spend more than they are already spending or on the idea that you are already working so hard at selling a package at this price, so how are you going to sell it at a higher price, think of these ladies and what they are doing in their business.

When you actually hear about someone else's success it makes it a bit easier to internalize and make it work for you.

If you need any support with figuring out how your pie in the sky packages can look, let’s chat.  

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Podcast editing by Eric Wellman