Season Two, Episode 20: How sleeping more can give you more time with Diane Dauphinais

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In the previous podcast episode, we talked about how many business owners lack sleep, even though they know sleep is important. We also worked through the belief that entrepreneurs have to work, work, work - even if it means sacrificing sleep. This episode continues to dive into the importance of sleep. I am joined by Diane Dauphinais of Sound of Sleep Consulting Services. Diane works with individuals of all ages, as well as business owners and families struggling with sleep to help them get their sleep back on track.  

Sleep should be a priority

Many business owners tend to not make sleep a priority, but we need to honour our sleep just as we would any other area of our health such as exercise, hydration, and nutrition. Sleep plays an important role in how focused we are, our energy, our hormonal regulation, blood pressure, etc.

Put down the devices

Getting more sleep does not have to be hard. People get hung up on the belief that they are too busy to get a good night’s sleep. One reason they see themselves as busy all the time is because of technology. We are always on our devices! We are always checking our messages and emails, and because of that we are always distracted and feel we need to be on. “Off time” is harder to get for ourselves. But being on technology all the time increases our stress and anxiety levels.

Because we are always connected we feel we should always be working, so there is a feeling that the day is never done. That’s the pressure we put on ourselves and we feel that is how we will be successful. We need to learn to put down our devices and make time for ourselves – make time for sleep.

You do not need to work all the time or be on your devices all the time to be successful. You do not have to be available all the time. If you are always “on” your mental health and relationships will suffer.  

Set boundaries

There was a time that even Diane always felt exhausted and look exhausted because she lacked sleep. She quickly realized she could not work and be successful this way and has since learned to honour herself. She turns off notifications at a certain time a day and has set the boundaries needed to make time for herself and her family.

Getting more sleep starts simple, it starts with not checking email after a certain time of day and setting up a routine. It’s about realizing that it is okay to just have time for yourself that is unscheduled.  

Letting ourselves have time for creativity 

When we have time to slow down that is when creativity and magic can happen. When we’re not tired and have energy then we have time and space to let creative thoughts in. By getting regular sleep, we are giving ourselves time to think, heal and re-energize.

Changing your sleep habits comes with benefits. Going to bed earlier or starting a bedtime routine means new habits can be formed, such as reading a book or having a conversation with your spouse. One of Diane’s clients started playing guitar again, an old passion that he hadn’t done because he was doing other things that were not helping him with his sleep.

Be accountable to sleep

Everyone knows they need to sleep, but because not everyone commits to it, Diane offers people accountability. She shows people the consistency they will need to build a new bedtime routine. She helps her clients get on track and stay on track and helps them start small so that adopting the new habits isn’t scary or hard. Finding more sleep is not all or nothing, and having the right support makes it sustainable.

Getting more sleep is not about knowing what to do to get more sleep, it’s about feeling supported and understood in your commitment to getting more sleep. It’s understanding that it’s important and working with someone that can help.

If getting more sleep were simple, you would already be getting more sleep, but sometimes it’s hard for people and that’s where Diane steps in and helps people change their habits and build in new habits that can make a huge difference. Many people struggle to ask for help, but there is definitely power in asking for help – including with sleep. 

You’re taking care of your body and your brain – self-care is so many pieces and business owners need self-care so they have the energy to create thriving businesses that are making 6+ figures and still making time for themselves.

If you struggle to get a good night’s sleep, contact Diane. Visit her website or follow her on Facebook and find out how she can help!

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Podcast editing done by Eric Wellman